Participants from administrations and scientific sectors of seven Baltic Sea countries who are going to perform ballast water sampling and analysis met in a COMPLETE workshop organised in Hamburg at the beginning of May. For the first time, knowledge and practical hands-on exercises for all stages from planning and sampling to analysis were included in one seminar, which was supervised by the internationally recognised scientists Dr. Matej David and Dr. Stephan Gollasch. Starting with background knowledge on sampling and analysis tools and methods, the participants got the opportunity to carry out practical work in a laboratory and on board the TUI cruise liner „Mein Schiff 5“. All sections of the workshop took place right at the Elbe River, opposite to the Port of Hamburg that celebrated its 830th birthday in parallel. The gathered expertise will be further distributed by the participants, who also brought in their experience and questions concerning the further development of all ballast water issues. The materials of the workshop are provided by the COMPLETE project. In addition, a documentary on the practical exercises combined with interviews with the experts will be prepared.
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