Next steps with the COMPLETE proposal for a Regional Baltic Biofouling Management Roadmap
26 January 2021
The proposal for a Regional Baltic Biofouling Management Roadmap, compiled by the COMPLETE project, has been presented at the 20th Meeting of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group on 5-8 October 2020 (MARITIME 20-2020), and the 11th Meeting of the Joint HELCOM/OSPAR Task Group on Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) and Biofouling on 26-27 November 2020 (TG BALLAST 11-2020). The Meetings supported the Roadmap as a good example for regional cooperation.
Furthermore, an extract of the Roadmap will be submitted to the next meeting of IMO Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR8) to directly support the work of the IMO Correspondence Group on the Review of the Biofouling Guidelines as an input from the COMPLETE project as it provides useful input for this IMO process.