
9 October 2020

The proposal for a Regional Baltic Biofouling Management Roadmap, compiled by the COMPLETE project, was presented at the 20th Meeting of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group on 5-8 October 2020. The Meeting supported the Roadmap as a good example for regional cooperation. It will now be considered by the HELCOM/OSPAR TG BALLAST to further elaborate, finalize and agree to it, followed by direct submission to HOD 59-2020 for approval and subsequent adoption by HELCOM 42-2021.

Furthermore, Maritime invited interested Contracting Parties to submit the draft Roadmap for consideration to the IMO Correspondence Group on the Review of the Biofouling Guidelines as an input from the COMPLETE Project as it provides useful input for this IMO process.

The status report of COMPLETE project was also presented at the Meeting. The Meeting took note that the COMPLETE project has been granted extension in duration and scope, and thus the COMPLETE PLUS “Practical implementation of the COMPLETE project outputs and tools” will be running from April to December 2021, and took note of the activities foreseen to take place within the COMPLETE PLUS project.

During the follow-up project COMPLETE plus, it is planned to develop the roadmap further including the recommendation for a concrete schedule of its implementation as a proposed new BSAP action, endorsed by the Maritime meeting, already addresses the implementation of the Roadmap.

All meeting documents from the meeting are available here.